E 83 International Road runs near Cherven Bryag. The town has a railway station on the important Sofia - Varna line. The distance between Reselets Village, where Kaleto Tectonic Ridge and Reseleshki Kukli Rock Formation are located, and Cherven Bryag is 6 km. They are connected by a 4-grade road and a regular bus line. The village can be reached also by train – Reselets railway station (Sofia – Gorna Oryahovitsa – Varna – Ruse Line).

If you travel by bus, from Sofia you can use any of the following lines: Sofia – Knezha, Sofia – Byala Slatina or Sofia – Oryahovo.


This document was created within the frame of Contract ¹ BG161PO001/3.1-03/2010/044 „Development of Tourist Attraction “Kaleto Tectonic Ridge” under grant scheme BG161PO001/3.1-03/2010, “Enhancement of the development of nature, cultural and historic attractions”, êwhich is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013, co-funded by the European Union via the European Regional Development Fund. Cherven Bryag Municipality is solely responsible for this publication and in no circumstances whatsoever this document can be construed as reflecting the official opinion of the European Union or the Steering Body. Cherven Bryag Municipality, Pleven District, Cherven Bryag, Antim I St., zip code 5980, tel.. + 359 659 927 08, fax + 359 659 923 51, website: http://www.chervenbryag.eu, å-mail: municipality@chervenbryag.bg